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Standard Edition Measures and grades round, modified round, and fancy shapes within seconds. Measures and grades major and minor symmetry diamond facets. Includes the latest updated major gem lab diamond grading standards. Visual Sarin report editor for designing on-screen views and printable reports and labels. Exports all diamond measurements and diamond grading data into your inventory or database system. Includes an educational one-minute animation on the 4Cs of diamond grading. Works on round and fancy diamond shapes. Real three-dimensional model - view your diamond like never before! The real three-dimensional model shows you each extra diamond facet, misshapen facet, misaligned facet junction, broken culet, and all other symmetry features of your diamond in a clear and unmistakable way. You can then load the previous sarin advisor 5 1 crack que you issued on that stone and avoid sarin advisor 5 1 crack que discrepancies and mistakes. I will definitely keep you guys in mind if I have any further requests. Fully working version for such a little price! And all items are really working! Already bought about 10 items. All softwares are working and making me a good profit ;- Thanks RequestCracks! Everything is working fine. Com are sure good. I got my SEO Elite within 24hrs and it is working good, why waste all the energy, time and money to purchase something so expensive when RC can fetch it for you for nothing heart breaking?

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